Here at SOHO TACO, when it comes to preparing this signature taco we prefer to go the traditional route and use a large pot imported from Mexico called a ‘cazo‘. If you’ve never seen one of these before, it looks like a cross between a very sturdy stock pot and a Chinese wok. And, it’s HUGE. In Mexico these pots are usually made of copper, but health regulations require that ours be made of steel. But, that’s ok, the results are still absolutely delicious. Right now our entire headquarters has been blanketed with hypnotic aromas emanating from the kitchen. We have several batches of carnitas to make so the cazo is being put to seriously good use. We’ve tried braising the pork in a regular stock pot, but it just doesn’t compare. Something about the make and build of this traditional kitchen gear really does bring out the very best of this dish. Hopefully we’ll have the chance to serve some carnitas for you at an upcoming private event or at our next food truck stop. And, if so, maybe you can taste the difference. Have a mouth-watering Friday and see you soon! SoHo Taco Promo Video Please CLICK HERE to view video on YouTube. Please click above
Making Carnitas With A Traditional Mexican Cazo
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