Taco Jardinero Features A Touch Of Salsa De Chile De Árbol

SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Taco Jardinero - Salsa de Chile de Arbol - Orange County - OC
Our March special #TacoJardinero features a touch of smoky, spicy Salsa de Chile de Arbol.

Are you ready for the rain? It looks like we’re in for a few days of drenching, but that’s not going to stop us for delivering mouth-watering goodness. Today however is literally the calm before the storm and a perfect time to bite into one of our warm, freshly grilled delights.

What’s more because it’s Tuesday we’re getting ready to fire up the grill at our usual weekly haunt at one of the best breweries in Orange County: DINNER 5PM to 8:30PM, Cismontane, 1409 E Warner Ave #SantaAna CA.

RELATED: Click here for our calendar of upcoming food truck stops & events

And, one of the items we plan on serving this evening is our March special Taco Jardinero ($5.49 each), which features a ribbon of Salsa de Chile de Arbol for an added flavor dimension.

In case you haven’t had the opportunity to bite into this wonderful meatless delicacy yet, this taco spotlights a grilled queso panela at its heart, scrumptious camote del cerro (“nagaimo root”), sweet chiles & corn and smooth crema on a fresh, hand-pressed tortilla de albahaca (“basil”).

It’s absolutely fantastic and, for you carnivores out there, you really won’t miss the meat! The flavor combination is to wide and symphonic, it easily pleases the palate and leaves the belly content.

SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Taco Jardinero - March 2018 Special - Orange County -OC
As colorful as it is flavorful, our March special #TacoJardinero showcases a symphony of flavors with every bite.

So, come on down to Santa Ana tonight and try out our vegetarian wonder. And, to add to the festivities, remember between 5PM and 6PM it’s happy hour! That means all of our classic tacos (sorry, our special are excluded) are only 99¢ each!

It might be raining starting tomorrow, but the storm of flavors start tonight. See you there!

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