Be Sure To “Google +1” Us – Whatever That Means!


“Can I give you +2?”
Positively delicious taco catering in Santa Monica, CA.
Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering

In case you haven’t heard, Google just launched a Facebook killer a new fangled social network called “Google+”.  The jury’s still out on whether it’ll even take off, how effective it will be or if people will even use it.  (*cough* *cough* Google Buzz who? *cough* *cough*)  Sorry, something vaguely useful got caught in our throats.

Nevertheless, if you conduct a Google search of “Soho Taco” you’re destined to notice in the results the new symbol next to our website that looks something like this:

Soho-Taco-Gourmet-Taco-Catering-Los-Angeles-Google- 1

If so, please feel free to click it!! 

To be perfectly  honest, as of today we have no sense of clue what this does.  But, it sure wouldn’t hurt, right? 

So, go ahead.  Don’t be shy.  Do a quick Google search of us and click away to your heart’s content!  And, then we’ll just figure out its meaning tomorrow – hopefully.

Soho Taco Gourmet Taco Catering Los Angeles Orange County]

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1 thought on “Be Sure To “Google +1” Us – Whatever That Means!”

  1. Pingback: “Google+1″ Taco Catering in Santa Monica | Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering | Orange County | Los Angeles

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