TONIGHT: 6PM Santa Ana Artist Village Art Walk @ OCCCA (Santa Ana, CA)
Once again the culinary arts and contemporary arts converge this evening in Santa Ana! Tonight from 6:00PM to approximately 10:00PM (depending if we sell
Once again the culinary arts and contemporary arts converge this evening in Santa Ana! Tonight from 6:00PM to approximately 10:00PM (depending if we sell
SoHo Taco at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art (“OCCCA”) for last month’s Santa Ana Artists Village Art Walk. It’s the first Saturday
[N]aturally since our gourmet food truck just launched little more than a month ago, customers always ask “What do you recommend?” Well, perhaps someone’s recently
[T]he two disciplines of culinary arts and contemporary arts truly did collide with one another last night – with delicious results! Yesterday, during the monthly