Awesome Gourmet Food Trucks & Customers At SoCo Collection Last Night!
[E]asily the biggest reason why we launched our gourmet food truck was to make more contacts with the public and to reconnect with old
[E]asily the biggest reason why we launched our gourmet food truck was to make more contacts with the public and to reconnect with old
[T]ired of turkey? Need to get some Black Friday shopping done? Then, come join us tonight! This evening from 5pm to 8pm Soho Taco’s
Soho Taco, a critically-acclaimed gourmet food truck based in Orange County, makes its highly anticipated debut at SoCo Collection of Costa Mesa on the biggest
[O]k, maybe a lot less crazy …. Few things draw more skepticism than telling someone that the tacos they’re about to have are “gourmet”. Often