This Sunday @ Roger’s Gardens: FREE Chicken Taco With Coupon!
[J]ust like what Justin did to ‘sexy’, we’re bringing FREE back! This Sunday (July 22nd), at Soho Taco’s gourmet food truck stop at Roger’s Gardens
[J]ust like what Justin did to ‘sexy’, we’re bringing FREE back! This Sunday (July 22nd), at Soho Taco’s gourmet food truck stop at Roger’s Gardens
[A]hhhhh… the joys of living in Southern California! Yesterday (Sunday) SoHo Taco’s gourmet food truck crew spent another picture perfect day the the premier home
[C]hicken tacos might not grow on trees, but at least you can get a FREE one next to them. Please join us from 11AM to 2PM
[I]t’s Earth Day weekend! And, we’re spending both days at easily one of the most beautiful shrines to Mother Nature in Orange County! Please come