YUM: 5:30P Tonight @ OC Fair – And – Please Vote For Us!
[I]n case you haven’t heard, SoHo Taco has the GREAT pleasure of being in the running for OC Register’s Best of Orange County poll! [RELATED:
[I]n case you haven’t heard, SoHo Taco has the GREAT pleasure of being in the running for OC Register’s Best of Orange County poll! [RELATED:
[W]hen it rains, its pours …. chicken tacos that is! This evening at 5:30P SoHo Taco has the immense pleasure of returning to one
[T]hat promised downpour may not have happened yesterday evening at The OC Fair & Events Center, but thankfully it did rain lots of Hubert’s Lemonade!
[A] little Southern California sprinkling isn’t going to keep us away from you! This evening at 5:30P SoHo Taco has the great – and somewhat
[T]he beauty of springtime in Southern California continues as SoHo Taco makes another mouth-watering stop in Orange County! This evening at 5:30P, SoHo Taco has
[F]or some, just looking at a picture of this traditional Mexican salsa will make them sweat! Last night during our regularly scheduled stop at the
[W]e’re all for mood lighting, but last week was just crayzeee….. Please come join SoHo Taco as our gourmet food truck makes another highly-anticipated return
[W]hoa … weren’t we just counting down to the new year yesterday?! We here at SoHo Taco headquarters are just as shocked as you
[A]n already exhilarating evening was made even more special with the visit by a wonderful person! Last night, during our regularly scheduled stop at the OC Fair
[T]hings are always more than ‘fair’ at the OC Fair! Please join SoHo Taco and some of the very best gourmet food trucks from