Private Food Truck Catering For The UCI Department of Chemistry in Irvine, CA
What better way to introduce out-of-town guests to Southern California living than with an eye-popping show in the sky courtesy of Mother Nature and outstanding
What better way to introduce out-of-town guests to Southern California living than with an eye-popping show in the sky courtesy of Mother Nature and outstanding
[L]ast night engines were revving and so were appetites! Yesterday, in the City of Chino, SoHo Taco had the great pleasure of providing private gourmet food
[Y]ou, next to the stove. Put down that spatula and let SoHo Taco and our gourmet food truck buddies do the cooking for you tonight!
[W]e hope your Memorial Day weekend was as exhilarating as ours! During one of the busiest weekends of our company’s history, SoHo Taco had the great privilege