Enjoy Spicy Potato Tacos Today In Aliso Viejo


SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Spicy Potato Tacos - Orange County - OC
Enjoy our signature spicy potato tacos today on our food truck, where all tacos are served on a fresh hand-pressed tortilla.

Enjoy our signature Spicy potato taco today at our lunchtime food truck stop in Aliso Viejo. And, remember, enjoy 24 of them for FREE for delivery & to go orders using the code “March Madness”.

Today we have the pleasure of grilling up this timeless classic in South OC: LUNCH 11A – 2P, Ambry Genetics, 15 Argonaut #AlisoViejo CA.

RELATED: Click here for our calendar of upcoming food truck stops & events

To make this wonderful meat-free vegan delight, we start out with top quality potatoes delivered straight to our kitchen. There we dice it up into small cubes to assure even cooking throughout.

SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Indio Polo Villas Wedding - Grilled Veggies For Spicy Potato Tacos
Preparing the key ingredients for Spicy Potato Tacos recently for a wedding at Polo Villas in La Quinta.

Then, whether we’re preparing this dish for a private taco cart catering event or for a public food truck stop like today, the process is very similar.

We grill up the accompanying ingredients such as the bell peppers, herbs and spices separately since they have a different cooking time. Then, we work on grilling the potatoes since they take a bit longer until they’re silky smooth.

SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Wedding - Thursday Club - Spicy Potato Tacos
When the diced potatoes gets mixed with the grilled veggies the combined colors make for a festive confetti like appearance.

Finally, the grilled vegan concoction is blended together lovingly and served on a piping hot tortilla. The combination is utterly flavorful and satisfying, you really won’t miss the meat!

As reminder, we have a promotion going on until the end of this month. For new orders for delivery or to go taking place on March 31st or sooner, get two dozen spicy potato tacos compliments of the house simply by mentioning the code “March Madness”.

This handheld delight is already fantastic on its own, so what more if it were FREE?! This offer ends soon so be sure to act fast.

In the meantime, have a wonderful TGIF and hopefully we’ll get the chance to serve you soon.

SOHO TACO Promo Video

Please CLICK HERE to view video on YouTube.

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