Feliz Día de la Madre! Check out this poem by Pablo Neruda

Soho-Taco-Gourmet-Taco-Catering-Los-Angeles-Orange-County-Mothers-Day-CAHappy Mother’s Day!

We here at Soho Taco Gourmet Taco Catering would like to take this time to pay homage to the most important woman in our lives.  So, in honor of this splendid occasion here’s the last refrain of master poet Pablo Neruda’s classic poem “La Mamadre”, which was lovingly written for his step-mother.  Have a beautiful day!

Ay mamá, ¿cómo pude
vivir sin recordarte
cada minuto mío?
No es posible. Yo llevo
tu Marverde en mi sangre,
el apellido
del pan que se reparte,
de aquellas
dulces manos
que cortaron del saco de la harina
los calzoncillos de mi infancia,
de la que cocinó, planchó, lavó,
sembró, calmó la fiebre,
y cuando todo estuvo hecho,
y ya podía
yo sostenerme con los pies seguros,
se fue, cumplida, oscura,
al pequeño ataúd
donde por primera vez estuvo ociosa
bajo la dura lluvia de Temuco.

Oh mother how could
I live without remembering
you during every single one of my minutes?
It isn’t possible.  I carry
your (maiden name) Marverde in my blood,
the surname
of the bread that one imparts
from therein
the sweet hands
that cut from the sacks of flour
the socks of my infancy,
cooked, ironed, washed,
sown, calmed fevers,
and when all was done,
and when I was finally able
to support myself on my own strong feet,
you left, accomplished, darkened,
away to a small coffin
where for the first time you were idle
below the hard rain of Temuco.

   Soho Taco Gourmet Taco Catering Los Angeles Orange County]

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