WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Come on big money! If it’s Wednesday, it’s “so, what’s going on with Soho Taco’s gourmet food truck?” day! Let’s get to it then, shall we? DESIGN – We’re still working with our incredibly talented graphic designer Jose Ramirez on getting down that look and feel we’re trying to capture for the exterior. So, as you can imagine lately there have been lots of emails going back and forth. But, from the looks of things we’re almost there and we can’t wait to share the final design with you. Then it’s off to the printers! MENU – In short: some of the best tacos you may ever have. Unless it’s on the specials menu, we won’t be serving any burritos, tortas, tostadas, enchiladas, crazy-mixed-up-ethnic-franken-thing, etc. Our goal will be to have a very simple menu offering some of the most exquisite combination of ingredients ever served within a tortilla hecha a mano (“handmade tortilla”). Yes, you read that correctly – every tortilla will be handmade. That’s how serious we’ll be about your experience. And, don’t you deserve the best? 😉 OC WEEKLY’S “BEST FOOD TRUCK” 2011 – In case you haven’t heard, we’ve been nominated for OC Weekly’s “Best Food Truck” for 2011 – and, we haven’t even opened up for business yet! While we sit here scratching our heads trying to figure out how that happened, please click here, click “next” until you get to category #81 and vote for us today. It’s a bit tough competing with trucks that are, well, in existence. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t at least try, right?! So, please vote for us today! |
FOOD TRUCK NEWS: Designers, Menus & Polls – Oh My!
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