FUN FACT: No One Says “Feliz Día de los Muertos” In Mexico

Soho Taco Gourmet Taco Catering & Food Truck - Dia de los Muertos

Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering & Food Truck


[D]ía de los Muertos (or “Day of the Dead”), a time to reflect upon friends and family who have passed on, may be a festive Mexican holiday celebrated every November 1st and but it isn’t very common to greet another “Happy Day of the Dead!”

In fact, it just isn’t done.

Sure you can do it anyway and most won’t get offended if you do.  They just might look at you funny for a few seconds and they reply with an awkward “Gracias!”

Meanwhile, we here at Soho Taco headquarters would like to take this time to commemorate loved ones who are now in a better place, regardless of any cultural gaffes they may have committed during their time on this planet. 😉

We certainly hope you have a safe and beautiful occasion filled with love and delicious gourmet tacos.

And, since we’re in the US, Feliz Día de los Muertos! So nyah!

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