Gourmet Taco Catering For Weddings & More Today Throughout The Southland

SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Wedding - San Diego Botanic Garden
As our hard working crew worked diligently in this photo taken last Saturday at the San Diego Botanic Garden, the taco cart was surrounded by well-appointed tables with gorgous centerpieces.

Today’s lead photo was also taken last weekend and shows beautiful, well-appointed tables surrounding one of our taco carts at the San Diego Botanic Garden. It’s funny how this image comes across as so serene and zen like when you can pretty much tell it’s the calm before the storm.

It truly was a crazy busy day and today on this lovely Memorial Day Weekend Saturday is pretty much going to be quite similar.

From a bar mitzvah in Newport Beach, to birthday in Dana Point and wedding up in San Luis Obispo, our schedule for the next 24 hours is jammed packed with exciting event and we can’t wait!

The one in the Central Coast is going to be particularly amazing because we get to grill once again at Greengate Ranch in the Edna Valley region of San Luis Obispo. Although we’ve been to this beautiful city several times, we haven’t been to this venue since 2016 and we’re absolutely looking forward to it.

SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Greengate Ranch - San Luis Obispo - CA
SOHO TACO had the privilege of grilling for this beautiful wedding at The Greengate Ranch back in 2016 and tonight we have the privilege of returning for another mouth-watering reception. We can’t wait!

Our crew for this event is meeting super early at SOHO TACO HQ then we’re going to hit the road hopefully before all the 101 traffic starts to kick in. If you’ve ever tried to go to Santa Barbara on any Saturday morning you know the pain we speak of. Sprinkle in a little 3 Day Weekend into the mix and you’ve got yourself an automotive nightmare. So, it’s super important we leave as early as possible.

Once we get there our crew is going to be ready to go. We’ll keep you updated of the good times that are sure to come, but it’s already adding up to be one for the history books.

Here’s the fun part, this is only for a wedding rehearsal … not the reception. Isn’t that amazing? Usually wedding rehearsal dinners are celebrated at small, modest restaurants or something intimate. For this occasion, we have the privilege of helping the lovely couple kick of the festivities in grand fashion. So, this is truly an honor to be part of such a huge celebration at easily one of the most scenic venues in San Luis Obispo.

As for the Bah Mitzvah in Newport Beach, that’s also quite the spectacular occasion. It’s a pretty good sized event with about 100 people in attendance, but there’s so much coordination involved one of our staff members had to enlisted as the dedicated event coordinator.

That’s right, we also offer on site event coordinator services for those special events that need that added touch. For this occasion, our gal on site is going to be one of our lovely team members from the sales department, Courtney. She’ll be hand to help coordinate the bartenders, bussers, vendors, our taco cart crew and even cut the cake!

Have a great time out there, Courtney! Everything seems to be in place for a wonderful celebration and your assistance at this event is easily going to help bring to another level.

SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Wedding - San Diego Botanic Garden - Grilling
Much like this event from last weekend, our crew is going to be at it again grilling on the taco cart at weddings and other special events throughout the Southland.

As you can see it’s definitely going to be one of the busiest Saturdays of the year and we certainly hope we get the opportunity serve you at one of these events.

Everyday we never take for granted the fact that everyone has infinite choices for the special events and knowing that we’ve been selected to help be part of these wonderful occasion is truly humbling.

So, a special thanks goes out to all of our clients and their guests for choosing SOHO TACO. And, another HUGE thank you goes out to our hardworking team. It’s going to be another monumental Saturday and it wouldn’t be possible without you. See you soon!

Buen provecho!

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