The rest of the country might point and laugh, but for us Southern Californians last night was a pretty bone chilling
mid-40’s evening – and, it looks like tonight is going to be another cold one as well. The rest of the country might point and laugh, but for us Southern Californians last night was a pretty bone chilling mid-40’s evening – and, it looks like tonight is going to be another cold one as well. The rest of the country might point and laugh, but for us Southern Californians last night was a pretty bone chilling mid-40’s evening – and, it looks like tonight is going to be another cold one as well. The rest of the country might point and laugh, but for us Southern Californians last night was a pretty bone chilling mid-40’s evening – and, it looks like tonight is going to be another cold one as well. The rest of the country might point and laugh, but for us Southern Californians last night was a pretty bone chilling mid-40’s evening – and, it looks like tonight is going to be another cold one as well. The rest of the country might point and laugh, but for us Southern Californians last night was a pretty bone chilling mid-40’s evening – and, it looks like tonight is going to be another cold one as well.
No, Bathing In Our Spicy Salsas Will Not Heat Up Your Chilly Night
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