[E]asily the biggest reason why we launched our gourmet food truck was to make more contacts with the public and to reconnect with old ones. And, last night’s dinner service was a prime example of that. Yesterday evening Soho Taco had the great pleasure of bringing out our gorgeous gal to SoCo Collection (or more specfically, the OC Mart Mix) of Costa Mesa during Black Friday’s dinnertime rush. Check out some of the pictures we took of this beautiful location …. First and foremost our customers were amazing! A mother from Mexico & proud connoisseur of good tacos passed by our location not just once, not twice – but THREE times! She not only tried our food each time, she even took home several tacos just so she can amaze her family! On top of that, we were definitely in GREAT company last night with truly some of the best gourmet food trucks in Orange County: Sexy Burger, Viking Truck and, one our BEST amigos, Taco Maria. In between customers would we passed by each other’s trucks, swap stories and had some of the best cuisine in the food truck scene! We want to thank Anais & Justin, the organizers for the SoCo Collection‘s food truck events, for the opportunity to be among such greatness. We look forward to our return visit there on December 23rd, the Friday before Christmas. (CLICK HERE for more info on our return visit to SoCo Collection next month!) See you then! Please click above
Awesome Gourmet Food Trucks & Customers At SoCo Collection Last Night!
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