[A] little Southern California sprinkling isn’t going to keep us away from you! This evening at 5:30P SoHo Taco has the great – and somewhat moist – pleasure of serving up our gourmet taco cuisine at the OC Fair & Events Center (88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, CA). [Please CLICK HERE to view our official listing for tonight’s event!] In case you don’t have access to your window, let us tell you: it’s wet out there. But, unless the organizers decide to cancel, we have every intention of being at our scheduled event this evening. Why? Because we love YOU!!! 😉 To be honest, this will be the first time we’ve ever been to this location in the rain. So, we’re not sure what to expect in terms of crowds and amenities. Usually there’s a bartender serving up drinks and music provided by a band or dj, let’s hope that’s still the case and that they don’t dissolve in water. In the meantime, expect plenty of complimentary parking and FREE admission. Just bring your umbrella and your water-resistant love for great food and we’ll see you at The Fair! Please click above
RAIN OR SHINE: Dinner at OC Fairgrounds 5:30P Tonight!
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