Sadly Hurling Our Heirloom Tomatoes At Your Local Gas Station Won’t Lower The Prices

Soho-Taco-Gourmet-Taco-Catering-Los-Angeles-CA-Heirloom-TomatoesHeirloom Tomatoes Are For Eating, Not Chucking.
Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering

It might make you FEEL better, but they really are better enjoyed in our salsas instead.

Vine ripened heirloom tomatoes are the key ingredients in Soho Taco’s wildly popular salsa de pico de gallo.  Because of its rich & light flavors it’s usually one of the first salsas to go at our taco catering events. 

So, if you see a display of this delicacy on one of our gourmet taco catering carts, like the one you see above, please resist the urge to launch one at your local service station. 

Sure, they may help elevate the flavors of our gourmet tacos, but unfortunately they won’t help lower gas prices.

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