Shrimp Tacos So American Even Donald Trump Won’t Need To Ask For The Birth Certificate


Good ‘ol American shrimp getting grilled up in Huntington Beach, CA
Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering

Sometimes certain foods taste so good you gotta ask, “Was this imported?”

Well, we here at Soho Taco Juicy Camarones Headquarters can assure you that our delectable sea critters are indeed as American as Donald Trump’s comb over.

Sure, the exotic and delightful flavors of our shrimp tacos may hint at foreign born origins.  However, every bit of this exquisite hand-held delicacy was created here in the good ‘ol U. S. of A.

So, rest assured Mr. Trump, there’s no need to examine their little birth certificates.  Undoubtedly that’ll free up your time for more meaningful pursuits

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2 thoughts on “Shrimp Tacos So American Even Donald Trump Won’t Need To Ask For The Birth Certificate”

  1. Pingback: Good Old American Shrimp Tacos | Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering | Orange County | Los Angeles

  2. Pingback: Soho Taco’s Gourmet Taco Catering Threatens Yelper’s Life With Tacos “To Die For” | Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering | Orange County | Los Angeles

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