So You Survived The DEVASATING SoCal Sprinkle Last Night ….

SoHo Taco Gourmet Taco Truck - Irvine Lanes - Irvine - Orange County CA
At Irvine Lanes on a wet night earlier this month.
We'll be back 'rain-free' tonight at 5:30P
(3415 Michelson Dr., Irvine, CA). Join us!

[F]ew things are more trecherous for a Southern Californian than (**GASP!**) rainfall. [CUE: fear inducing music] Now that you survived it, why not wipe away the tears of horror and treat yourself to some tasty treats?!

This evening at 5:30P, please join SoHo Taco and some of Orange County‘s very best gourmet food trucks as we round up once again at the premier venue for indoor competitive sports, Irvine Lanes.

[Please CLICK HERE to view our official event listing.]

According to the latest weather reports, we’re in for clear, crisp skies all day and all night long. So, put away that ark, Noah. And, come breath in some freshly-cleansed nighttime air with some friends and family.

Unless, of course, you’re still stuck in a shivering fetal position brought about by last night’s torrential precipitation.

Otherwise, see you there!

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