So You Weren’t Raptured Yesterday: You’re Still Thumbs Up With Us!


Thumbs up taco catering in Los Angeles, CA.
Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering

Oh, hello! You’re still here?!  Then, most likely you weren’t raptured yesterday.  That’s ok because you’re still thumbs up with us!

We here at Soho Taco would like to assure you that you are not alone.  In fact, none of us here at Still-Waiting-To-Be-Raptured Headquarters were whisked away to the pearly gates either.  Which is a good thing since we have a several of gourmet taco catering events today in Los Angeles, CA.

Sure, Harold Camping’s preachings about the impending end of the world may have, well, come to an end.  However, our passion to bring heavenly taco catering for sinners and non-sinners alike goes on.

Have a great post-apocalyptic day!
Soho Taco Gourmet Taco Catering Los Angeles Orange County]

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catering request form today!

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2 thoughts on “So You Weren’t Raptured Yesterday: You’re Still Thumbs Up With Us!”

  1. Pingback: Post-Apocalyptic Taco Catering for Los Angeles | Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering | Orange County | Los Angeles

  2. Pingback: End Of The World Avoided: Our Tacos Were A Hit & Justin Bieber Won Top New Artist | Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering | Orange County | Los Angeles

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