[W]ow, how did this slip by us?! The other day we here at SoHo Taco headquarters were surfing the web when we came across this little gem: we’re the #1 restaurant in Orange County! It’s true! If you go to Yelp.com/OC and scroll down to the “Best of” section, there you’ll see under the category for “restaurant” is our truck’s derriere with our humble little company sitting in the #1 spot! Crazy, huh? To be honest, we’re not entirely sure how we got up there. Sure, right now we’re EXTREMELY fortunate to be blessed with a 5 star rating. But, well, we’re technically not a restaurant (yet). And, the other guys on that list are incredibly talented and very popular. In fact, some have about 10 times as many reviews as we do! Nevertheless, we’re immensely grateful for this distinction. This pretty much validates a lot of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes here and just shows how lucky we are to have some of the most talented men and women on board. Thanks, Yelp! Of course, we’ll do our utmost best to try to stay up there. We’ll definitely strive even harder to show that we’re worthy of being your number one. Please click above
SoHo Taco Named #1 Restaurant in Orange County by Yelp OC!
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