PEAK CATERING SEASON: Less Gourmet Food Truck Stops Next Couple of Weeks – Hang In There!

SoHo Taco Gourmet Taco Truck - Laguna Niguel - Orange County - CA
Customers ordering & waiting for their tacos at
SoHo Taco’s gourmet food truck in Laguna Niguel last

Friday, July 13, 2012 for the Summer Concert Series.

[I]n the next couple of weeks you’ll probably have a better chance spotting a chupacabra rattling maracas on the 405 than you would seeing our truck out in public.

As it turns out we’re literally reaching the peak of the peak catering season. That means that not only will our carts be working super hard at private events in the near future, but so will our gourmet food truck.

From now until early August, we have the great fortune of providing gourmet tacos for several weddings, a movie studio, a clothing designer, a sunglass manufacturer, two motorcycle companies and a few dozen birthdays/anniversaries.

So to our loyal food truck customers and fans please bear with us! We should be out more often starting mid-August. In fact, we’re scheduled to be back at the OC Fairgrounds every Wednesday all throughout September! So, be sure to check our calendar often since new stops are added frequently.

Hang in there. We absolutely appreciate your patience and we look forward to serving you out in public again very soon!

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