[W]hat a BEAUTIFUL day it was yesterday in Southern California! Last night SoHo Taco had the immense honor of furnishing our critically-acclaimed gourmet taco cart catering for a relaxed, yet visually stunning wedding reception in Riverside. Check out our pictures! As you can see, what this festive wedding reception lacked in bridal gowns and tuxedos, it made up for in panoramic views of the Riverside basin and outstanding cuisine. Our taco cart was set up poolside and dinner was promptly served at 5pm. All the hungry guests formed a pretty good sized line, but it moved quickly and efficiently. At the end of the night as we were closing down, the crew received several compliments from numerous satisfied friends and family such as “Great food, guys!” And, “That agua fresca was fantastic.” So awesome! A huge thank you goes out the the newlyweds for this wonderful opportunity to be part of their special day. We hope you enjoyed our gourmet tacos and look forward to serving you again very soon! |
Taco Catering A Casual (But SCENIC!) Wedding Reception In Riverside
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1 thought on “Taco Catering A Casual (But SCENIC!) Wedding Reception In Riverside”
Delicious food, I love tacos, I think is a good option for people who enjoy mexican food.