Taco Catering A Los Angeles Wedding At The Women’s 20th Century Club

At this very moment we’re having a terrific time taco catering in Los Angeles for a beautiful wedding at the Women’s 20th Century Club. Located in a charming area of Eagle Rock this venue is as gorgeous as it is historic.

SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Los Angeles - Women's 20th Century Club - Eagle Rock - Pollo Asado
Pollo asado dancing on the grill, filling the Eagle Rock air with hypnotic, mouth-watering aromas
SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Los Angeles - Women's 20th Century Club - Cocteles de Camaron
The festivities started out with a cascade of Cocteles de Camaron to help get the appetite going.

Click and drag for a 360° view of the set up during service.

SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Los Angeles - Womens 20th Century Club - Rebanadas de Uva
All that is missing is some micro-greens and these Rebanadas de Uva are ready to go.
SOHO TACO Gourmet Taco Catering - Los Angeles - Women's 20th Century Club - Eagle Rock - Ceviche
Flavorful and refreshing ceviche was another popular appetizer on the menu in Los Angeles.

It truly was an honor serving everyone and we hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we did. Thanks for selecting SOHO TACO.

SOHO TACO Promo Video

Please CLICK HERE to view video on YouTube.

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