Taco Catering For An “Annual 25th” Birthday Party In Redondo Beach


A Quintet of Gourmet Tacos for Redondo Beach, CA.
Clockwise from the top: Tacos de carne asada (beef), camarones (shrimp)
pollo asado (grilled chicken), pescado (fish) y vegetales (vegetarian).
Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering

Or is it her annual 20th?  Because we think she looks GREAT!! 

Anyway, this evening we’re helping celebrate our customer’s annual 25th birthday (yeah, we don’t know what the real figure is either) by serving up our “Premiere Package”.  This full service package usually consists of 5 different tacos which quite often are made up of the ones you see above.  Pretty mouth-watering, eh?!

As you can see, so far everything is looking sharp just in time for dinnertime and we’re ready for service. 

Now, whether you’re celebrating your (ahem) annual 25th or any other ambiguous figure, be sure to ask about this deluxe taco catering package, too.  Your exact age might be indiscernible, but the quality and variety of your gourmet tacos don’t have to be!   
Soho Taco Gourmet Taco Catering Los Angeles Orange County]

Please click above
and visit our no obligation
catering request form today!

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2 thoughts on “Taco Catering For An “Annual 25th” Birthday Party In Redondo Beach”

  1. Pingback: Taco Catering A Birthday In Redondo Beach | Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering | Orange County | Los Angeles

  2. Pingback: Chicken Quesadillas: Perfect For Kids Easily Freaked Out By Food | Soho Taco | Gourmet Taco Catering | Orange County | Los Angeles

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