Gourmet Taco Cart Catering For OC Weekly’s Holiday Party in Huntington Beach
Seasons greetings, everyone! Just like everyone else, the days leading up to the Mayan apocalypse Christmas are getting super busy for us and this weekend is no
Seasons greetings, everyone! Just like everyone else, the days leading up to the Mayan apocalypse Christmas are getting super busy for us and this weekend is no
[W]ell, it’s a good thing our food truck isn’t water soluble. Regardless of Mother Nature’s decision to provide free car washes day, SoHo Taco
[I]f the month ends with a ‘-ber’, then it’s party season … and it’s never too soon to start planning that holiday event! Lately we
[O]ften we get great feed back for our gourmet taco catering verbally, right at the event. Now and then we’ll get compliments via a quick