Serving Espadillas De Fruta Appetizers At Hummingbird Nest Ranch
How is your Saturday coming along? Hope you’re enjoying it as much as we are. We have quite a few events today and it’s
How is your Saturday coming along? Hope you’re enjoying it as much as we are. We have quite a few events today and it’s
Happy Hangover Day… a/k/a “Seis De Mayo”! Did you have a great time yesterday celebrating? Hopefully you had a safe and enjoyable fifth. The weather
It’s a cool breezy Thursday here in SOHO TACO galactic headquarters and we’re having wonderful memories of last weekend’s feast in Simi Valley. In
Making America grape again, one appetizer at a time. So, there you are at a wedding, the vows were just exchanged & it’s cocktail hour.
How’s your weekend coming along? Ours has been absolutely exhilarating. It seems like wedding season is upon us and we’re glad to be
Here at SOHO TACO we are proud of our terrific line of gourmet tacos, but now and then you need just a little bit
Everyone loves a wedding! We absolutely adore them. But, one of the challenges of these wonderful events is making sure there aren’t any grumbling bellies.
Here we are quietly grilling vibrant veggies as vows were being exchanged at last Saturday’s wedding at Hummingbird Nest Ranch. We had a terrific line
Last Saturday we had the honor of being selected to cater for a stunning wedding at the gorgeous Hummingbird Nest Ranch in Simi Valley and