A Terrific Line Up For Today’s Stops In Huntington Beach & Placentia
It’s the Thursday before Halloween and we have a terrifyingly wonderful selection of tacos ready for your enjoyment at two stops: LUNCH 11:30A – 2P, Tasty
It’s the Thursday before Halloween and we have a terrifyingly wonderful selection of tacos ready for your enjoyment at two stops: LUNCH 11:30A – 2P, Tasty
This morning we just whipped up another exquisite batch of our salsa roja. We take vine-ripened tomatoes and roast them to bring out their nutty,
Two great stops today, two wonderful opportunities to serve you! 11A – 2P Springdale Plaza (15061 Springdale St, Huntington Beach CA) 5PM – 9P The
Today is Thursday and the weekend is just around the corner. If you’re looking for a way to start off the flavor-party a bit
Just like the flowers budding next to our truck last night at OC Fair, we’ll be popping in a couple of OC spots today ourselves!