[A]ttention starving students of Saddleback College: hopefully we can help! Today from 11A to 2PM SoHo Taco has the great pleasure of returning to South County’s institute of higher learning for another mouth-watering lunch time event at Saddleback College! [RELATED: Click here to view our official calendar entry for today’s stop] Although it’s a good-sized campus, it won’t be too hard to locate us us. Just aim your GPS towards 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, CA, and then follow the signs to the Student Service Center (“SCC”) Quad area. [RELATED: Saddleback College Campus Map] Parking is surprisingly plentiful and only $2 for the day pass, which you can get at one of their easy-to-find vending machines. As an added bonus, today is the “Cause Hope” cause-brand vendor market! According to the official description: [message_box]Saddleback College’s first “Cause Hope” cause brand vendor fair, sponsored by the Student Development Office. We’re providing students with the opportunity to learn about social responsibility while shopping for the holiday season. Along with Cause-Brand vendors, we will have Music and a Food Truck.[/message_box] So, not only will you have the chance to fill your bellies, but you’ll also have to opportunity to fill your social consciousness! 😉 It’s definitely going to be another GORGEOUS December day in South Orange County and we certainly hope to see you there! SoHo Taco Promo Video Please CLICK HERE to view video on YouTube. [button_link url=”/catering-inquiry-form/” style=”impactBtn” ]GET A FREE QUOTE![/button_link] Please click above
Today 11A It’s Lunch At Saddleback College @ Mission Viejo – Join Us!
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