SOHO TACO is a proud participant of the bridal expo taking place this Sunday at the OC Fairgrounds and we hope you can join us!
This Sunday, March 6, 2022 from 12:30PM until approximately 5:00PM, we have the great pleasure of showcasing one of our finest taco carts at the upcoming California Bridal & Wedding Expo, which is taking place at the OC Fair & Event Center (Costa Mesa Building), 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA.
Originally we were scheduled to exhibit at this same show on March 2020 at the same location. But, well, you know what happened that year. 😉
Flash forward a couple of years and a lot of postponed weddings later, the industry is now ready to welcome back the newly engaged for a terrific day of romance, inspiration and, of course, great food.
We are no strangers exhibiting for bridal shows at the OC Fair & Event Center. This is probably our 5th time here for this occasion. And, we’re always happy to be back!
This year it’s definitely going to be a little different. As of the writing of this blog, the OC Fair & Event Center still requires masks indoors unless you’re fully vaccinated.
So, it’s probably a good idea to keep a mask with you handy when you arrive, just in case.
According to the official event site, tickets are only $10 to get in at the door. However, if you register online admission is free!
Now, that’s a hard price to beat considering all the great inspirational vendors you get to meet, the fashion shows you get to check out and much, much more.
As for our team, we’re getting ready to showcase some of our terrific cuisine.
Since it’s an indoor occasion, we won’t be able to serve up tacos. However we have an army of appetizers in store.
In the past we had a food truck waiting outside to dole out fresh made tacos, but this time around we have plenty of delectable appetizers to serve from our cart.
As it turns out our taco cart isn’t a fully functional one, so we won’t be to actually cook from it. But, hopefully it can give you a visual idea of what to expect if you hire one of our carts for your special day.
After being part of the industry for over a decade, we have the expertise and experience to help make any wedding related event a success.
Whether you need a full blown wedding reception to be catered or if it’s just a simple bachelorette party, SOHO TACO is there to help kick of the festivities on a delicious note.
For more information on how we can make your special occasion especially memorable, please drop us a line at (714) 793-9392 or email or send us a note on our catering request form.
Hopefully we have a chance to meet you this Sunday. And, even better, hopefully we will have the opportunity grill up something tasty at your wedding.
Thanks and buen provecho!